Switch Off

I think it’s funny that I somehow shutdown all the feelings related to pain today.

Got little bit accident today – single motorbike accident. Instead of heading to KopNus, I rode my bike off to hospital’s emergency room. Having my right toe pulled off not long after.. sigh

Nope, somehow I dont feel pain, except for that short moment when I got shot for anesthetic. It seems like my body put its own defensive system and it turned numb. No pain, nothing

If you saw me tonight, you would find me laughing at the fact that I had to get my toe pulled off again.

I wasnt pretending to be okay

I just.. felt nothing

No pain

No self-pity


even when I had to tend the wound at home on my own.. I just did it

It’s funny, I think. To have yourself shutdown all the feelings

you’re in between feeling nothing and anything

well, I guess I could sleep now that the blood kind of stop oozing out from the wound – wait, that’s blood?

gonna need to buy new sandals tomorrow.. shit.. and bye bye beach


anyway, hope Nyuen’s dad is getting better soon… Amen

catch ya later

cheers 🙂


Trying to find a villa/hotel with a nice swimming pool, bathroom, with two rooms and within certain budget is just *sigh

Maybe I just need to do nothing and let the other choose themselves..

I’m just thiiis close 👌 from booking a room for myself

sorting all those rooms are just tooo tiring

yeah, let’s just sit still

catch ya later

cheers 💕💕

Some Bullshit

I know I’m going to talk some bullshit here, but, well, just let me..

just bear with it… or leave


shit, who read this blog anyway?


so, remember when I said I make a mess? Big. Time.

so, I do realize that I need to make some changes on my lifestyle for a while… a little bit

But then even after deciding to do that, I still find myself in sbucks early in the morning and then lunch at kfc..

see.. that’s why I said it is some bullshit

but hey, on my defense, I kinda have little choice here


another bullshit

sigh.. I know it’s kind of difficult ti change a lifestyle once you are getting uses to it… You just cant go lower

but well.. try first.. try

let’s see how long I could survive…

But first, some KFC

catch ya later

cheers 💕💕

Pindah Rute

Lagi blank…

I know I’m such a mess when it comes to money, but I cant believe I could mess big time


Now priority changes

Remember my previous post about self birthday gift for next year? I guess I need to put it on hold, for I dont know how long…

For now, I guess I just need to do reroute


Be patient, my heart, be patient

first thing first…

catch ya later

cheers 💕💕