First Meeting

Sekarang lagi leyeh-leyeh depan tipi, nonton Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1.
Hari ini lumayan cape dan sukses bikin kepala nyut-nyutan but I kinda have fun.

Sabtu kemaren gw ditelpon STKIP PGRI. Disuruh datang ke kampus. Setelah pinjem baju Kiki, karena gw sebenernya lagi ga di rumah dan kayaknya bakal lama kalo balik ke rumah dulu buat ganti baju yang formal, gw pun ketemu sama Sekertaris Jurusan B. Ing.
NIDN a.k.a Nomor Induk Dosen Nasional gw baru aja keluar dan ternyata gw udah dikasih jadwal.
Seminggu sekali ngajar Listening II di kampus yang ada di Banjarmasin dan setiap hari Minggu ngajar kelas luar – Kandangan dan Marabahan.

Hari ini gw ngajar di Kandangan – 3 jam dari Banjarmasin.
Berangkat ke sana naik angkutan umum. Jam 9 udah ngejogrog di terminal tapi jam 10 kurang dikit tu angkot (atau orang Banjar biasa nyebutnya taksi) baru berangkat. Gw mah mikir bakal telat nih..
Bener aja, si abang angkot beberapa kali berhenti dan gw sukses telat sekitar 15 menitan.

Kelas kampus luar ternyata minjem kelas SMP setempat. Di Kandangan gw ngajar Speaking IV. Tanya-tanya sama dosen lain sih katanya biasanya materinya debate gituh tapi dipertemuan ini gw memulainya dari yang lebih sederhana – speech.

Mahasiswa gw ada 30 orang. I should say the students are not that bad. They just need more practice. Setelah ngeliat studentsnya, gw pikir mesti ada materi lain sebelum debate. Anyway, this outside class only have 5 meetings in one semester and 3 hours per meeting.
Pusing pala barbie ngatur materinya..

Anyway, pas minta antar salah satu murid ke jalan utama buat nunggu taksi, she said to me, “kelas ibu rame ya…..”
Hihihi… this short comment has made my day…
Ah, what would be a better reward – besides good payment – for a teacher other than knowing your students have fun in your class.


(Edisi nungguin taksi ke Banjarmasin)

Aaaah.. harusnya sekarang tidur nih biar besok pagi bisa ke kampus. Katanya ada kunjungan dari assesor akreditasi kampus jadi dosen-dosen disuruh pada dateng jam 8 -_-”

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

The End?

Yesterday was the last day of my diet program. I am intending to continue the diet but I dont have any money to buy the stuffs.. so..let’s just keep doing what I can do on my own.. start with choosing the food carefully…
Less gorengan!!! Hahaha

Anyway, I did not win the losing weigh competition. The first winner lost 13.4 in 3 weeks!! Heck, that’s insane.. plus, my body fat did not reduce that much.. just aroun 2% …

However, do i satisfy with my result? Yes.. the hardwork paid off…
Haha.. now I have to think how to get money to buy new clothes..

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

Writing attempt #11


I bough this ticket from Busan to KL last year since there was this awesome promo…
I’ve always been vulnarable to ticket promo….
But lately I’ve been thinking to cancel the trip.
Not because I currently am a jobless and penniless but more because I want to see how strong I am in controling my self….

It’s just I think I’ve been too focus on fulfilling my wants all this time – especially when it comes to travel and coffee… i tend to be very impulsive and reckless…
It’s just somehow i want to have more control over myself…
I want to be less impulsive…

But I don’t know…

Let’s just see what will happen later

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

Writing attempt #10

Come Back Home

Waktu gw di semarang, saban kali gw bilang gw dari Kalimantan, ada aja yang ga percaya. Pas gw bilang babe dari malang dan mama dari banjar, baru mereka percaya. Huks,, muka gw emang lebih ke jawa daripada ke banjar.

Mama juga sebenernya bukan dari banjar asli. Kampung mama letaknya sekitar 4,5 jam dari Banjarmasin. Karena tempatnya yang jauh dan cuman satu sodara mama aja yang sekarang tinggal di sana, jadinya gw emang jarang balik. Terakhir kali balik pas hari raya beberapa tahun yang lalu.
Minggu ini kebetulan sepupu gw kawinan. Pas diajakin balik ke kampung mama, gw langsung mau. Mumpung sekarang lagi ga ada kerjaan.
Sayang waktu itu gw ga memprediksi kalo gw bakal diet. Pulang kampung pas diet itu beneran siksaan!

Pertama, ga bisa ngemil sepanjang jalan dari Banjar ke kampung. Padahal tante gw udah beli banyak cemilan kemaren.

Kedua, ini acara kawinan meeeen! Saatnya makanan melimpah ruah! Huks.. tapi gw ga bisa makan semau udel

Ketiga, sekarang lagi musim rambutan dan tepat depan rumah sepupu ada pohon rambutan. Ugh… di sepanjang jalan menuju kampung gw liat pohon rambutan yang pada berbuah dan langsung ngiler.
Pas nyampe rumah sepupu gw langsung hunting rambutan. It’s a sin to ignore this! Hahaha tapi cuman bisa makan lima biji sih!!


(Sempat mampir ke warung ketupat kandangan. Onw of my fave traditional food. Tapi apa daya ga bisa makan. Slurp)

Gw ga kenal sama orang-orang sini. I mean, gw ga inget nama-nama mereka tapi ada aja yang nyapa gw dan nanyain lil bro. Hehehe
The best thing about going back to hometown is everyone is your relatives….

It’s always fun to get back here. Ahh.. i miss the moment when i used to go to the river to take a bath.
Hihi… udah kayak gadis desa banget dulu kalo kemari. Pake sarung yang diiket, bawa gayung berisi sabun dan shampoo, handuk di sampirin di bahu trus ke sungai deh lewat jalan setapak di belakang rumah.

Ahhh…. kalo kata tablo, home is like gravity. It take you down. But i don’t mind though…

.. dan seperti biasa, saban pulang dari kampung barang bawaan selalu bertambah. Satu mobil orangnya cuman tujuh tapi barangnya seabrek! Dari duku berkarung-karung, rambutan plus semut-semutnya, rebung mentah dan yang udah dimasak, nasi lebihan, dan beras. E, pas dijalan pulang sempat-sempatnya beli cempedak dan ikan asin olahan… jadilah gw yang duduk di kursi belakang nyium bau yang macem-macem..
Tapi ya udah lah.. toh ga tiap bulan ini.. hahaha

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂


Two words to sum up what i did yesterday, SWEATY and HAPPY!! Or perhaps it should be HAPPY and SWEATY!

The day began with checking my weight.. i should say I’m pretty satisfied. I’ve been through hell so the number just serves me rite.. but well, then my cousin commented, “ah, you need to do more sport”

Around lunch I had appointment with my lecturer in S1, with Nyuen and Ka Din. As usual, i had to bring my own lunch. Thank God my lecturer was very understanding when I said I couldn eat the food in the restaurant. She just said, “don’t ruin your diet because of me”.
So,, well, everyone else had this look-good fried chicken and fried rice while i just.. had.. umm…my usual tasteless lunch.
The talk was nice… hahaha… hopefully we can get job through her #kodekodeuniverse
Right before she left, she said “again, you make me proud”.. i was like.. wow… being complimented by your most strict lecturer really means something!!!

Around 4 in the afternoon I had to join the FitClub where the herbalife people did cardio exercise together.. that was alot harder than the exercise I usually have at home,, ngeek
Two session and i was out.. hahaha

After the club,i was dragged to hit the gym.. another exercise people!!!

Around 8 the fitness session ended then continued by zumbaaaaaa! Gaaaah….
The day finally ended around 9!!

Oh my body.. you’ve worked hard

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

-writing attempt #9


Well… it’s the fifth day of my diet…
It’s been hard days. I’m still trying to figure out how to make plain chicken breast, spinach and rice tasty… it’s the only food i can swallow the whole day yet i find it is sooo hard to swallow…

Yesterday I went to een’s house. It’s 100th day of Sigit’s death. Lots of food were served… gaaah.. such a huge temptation..
After that, i went to YAB – the place i volunteered two years back and now trying to do it again. When i arrived, there were plenty snacks… looked yummy… i had to hold the urge to take one bite

Then in the evening.. i just went out with een, anggie, and cupep.. my friends are truly my biggest enemy when it comes to diet.. they just love eating.. so, well, they ordered some delicious food that i could not touch…


(Last nite, at #8 cafe… we went to Coffee Toffee before this)


(Well, i may be on diet – a strict one- but that does not stop me from hanging out… haha… though i should admit I kinda save money everytime i hang out since i can order water only. It’s taken today at Double Dipps cafe)

Aaaahhh….. i still got 16 days to go…

Catch ya later

-it’s writing attempt #8-

What’s wrong?

So.. this is my third day of the diet program.
What i learn in this three days is i appreciate the existence of spices! Seriously, eating saltless and spiceless food is totally killing me…
Oh.. how my tounge misses those tasty food…

Anyway, i actually have no idea if this is really the side effect of the so-called detox phase or i’m simply doing the diet wrong.. my fingers are getting stiff since yesterday. I find it’s pretty hard to move it… including when i’m typing this post now…
I hope it’s just part of the detox thingy
I also gets tired easily these last two days and sleepy…
What happened to my body actually?

And this short post could be regarded as writing attempt no #7, rite?

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

Nature Calls – #3 Things I Love About Indonesia

Gw udah sering dapat pertanyaan, “kok ga jalan-jalan di Indonesia aja sih dulu?” meningat gw emang paling sering travel ke luar negeri. Alasannya cuman satu, jalan-jalan di Indonesia sama mahalnya atau kadang malah lebih mahal daripada jalan ke luar

Gw percaya Indonesia punya alam yang super.. ga kalah sama negara laen, tapi infrastrukturnya kurang mendukung. Entah apa kerjaan dinas pariwisata kita sebenernya. Akses ke spot2 yang asoy tuh kurang oke! Jarang ada transportasi umum.

But, well, karena ini postingan tentang things that i love from Indonesia, jadi mari kita simpan omelan tentang infrastruktur untuk postingan yg laen.. hahaha

As i said, Indonesia tuh surga! Mau wisata apa aja ada deh… dari pantai, gunung, sampe kuliner!

So far, gw udah nemu pantai yang cantik yang bisa ngalahin okenya pantai-pantai di Thailand. Indonesia has Lombok people!!!


Ah, tapi sebagai pecinta pantai, gw juga suka pantai-pantai di Jogja yang biasanya diapit dua tebing….
Awesome deh!


Waterfall? I believe we also have bunch of pretty waterfall.. waktu di Lombok gw juga sempet maen ke Tiu Kelep – air terjun yang letaknya di kaki gunung Rinjani… meskipun medan ke sana cukup bikin ngos-ngosan buat orang yang hampir ga pernah hiking macam gw, tapi it was worth the sweat! itu air terjun okke benzet


Ah… gw pengen jelajahin Indonesia sebenernya… mudahan ntar dikasih rejeki buat field trip nyusurin Sumatera atau Sulawesi.. hahaha
*bareng yeobo mungkin #KodeKodeUniverse

Catch ya later
cheers 🙂

See you later…

As much as i hate it, i have to admit that i need to lose some weight. This so-called fat on my stomach starts being annoying…

So… err.. apparently, i’m not the only one who thought so… my cousin who does this herbalife thingy has nagged me many times.

So, few days ago, she came with an idea of me doing diet and at the same time going for losing-weight competition…
At first, i was like.. hell no. Diet itself is already a problem for me.. competition? That’s gonna kill me…

But then, you know, as the older party, my cousin always had her way to make me doing things… so, yeah… yesterday was marked as my first day of 3-week strict diet program.

Probably, i’m gonna post here what i do during this program… kekeke

What’s the hardest part of being on diet? One of them is having friends who love eating and hang out. Right on my very first day, two of my frens asked for lunch out…
Well, i did agree.. but i had to bring my own lunch box.. oh my life


I had one spoonful of rice, half of chicken breast, and one and a half hard boiled eggs… plus spinach… naaah.. i didnt eat all those rice.. only one spoonful.

That’s it! No more food except three glasses of herbalife shake in the morning, afternoon and evening plus 6-litre water… yeaaah… it’s 6 litre beibeh!!

I had zumba last nite. One of the sports that i dont rili like actually.. but well, yeah.. have to do it…

But last night i got this nausea and puked all my lunch and dinner…
Turns out it’s kinda normal situation on the first days of diet…

One down.. 20 days ahead…
See ya later sinful foods

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂

#6 attempt of writing challenge


When i went to Affandi museum, i met this girl who traveled in Jogja alone. I was in one of the galleries when i saw her taking pictures alone using tongsis. She smiled shyly knowing there was someone else… but then later she asked me to take her picture. After done taking her pictures, she asked me if i want my pictures taken. I just declined the offer since i don’t really like taking my own pictures.
She’s kinda surprised when i said i just wanna take the galleries picture without me….

It’s just that i don’t really like taking pictures with me on it. I like capturing the view or the moment better.

So, when i went to Lombok i was kinda regret it since i couldnt enjoy the view more. My friends keep on dragging me to take pictures.

I went to this beautiful beach and awesome waterfall but i didnt have enough time to appreciate the beauty, enjoy the view. Whenever i stood quietly in one spot, my fren would ask me if i was okay then told me to take pictures together

I don’t hate taking pictures but doing it excessively and end up forget enjoying the view…. aaah… that’s not what i like….

Writing attempt #5

Catch ya later
Cheers 🙂