
Let’s talk about insecurities…

Years… Years ago, my insecurities were more about phyiscal condition…

The fact that I had darker complexion than most of my friends
The fact that I had was bigger than most of my friends
The fact that I was bad at sports – not to mention my teachers made me felt worse
The fact that my parents were just primary school teachers with such a low income and we had to live in that small house

Well… Now, those facts do not bother me that much

Darker complexion is just fine… What matters more is proper skin care routine
Weight is just numbers… Food is just food… I start allowing myself to eat whatever food I want as long as it is still within my calories limit or in moderate quantity… There is no bad food, it’s just overconsumed
I’m still sucks at sports – be it swimming or even running… But I enjoy it since I have no one score how far I can run or jump.. I simply enjoy doing yoga or zumba – sigh, I miss doing yoga.. really
I am content with my current job… I have quite flexible working hours and I can work from cafe once in a while

Now my insecurity is more about how I feel like I haven’t done much while others keep on doing something

It feels like I haven’t been that productive when it comes to writing research papers while my fellow lecturers have published many

It feels like I’m struggling with my classes… Making sure my students learn something – gosh, how I keep on wondering if my students really know what they are doing in my classes or simply blank… While other lecturers seem like they know what they are doing with their classes – what with the course plan and everything

It feels like people keep on moving forward, going somewhere… While I get lost here… Not knowing what I should do next

And here comes my insecurities

Catch ya later
Cheers 💕💕

Life Post-Pandemic

June 2021. One and half year since the pandemic broke… And things has never been the same anymore

Sebelum masa pandemik, gw selalu merasa bayar cicilan rumah tidaklah berat… And once the pandemic hit, cicilan rumah akhirnya mengambil banyak porsi gaji

Sebelum masa pandemik, merencanakan traveling setahun lebih awal rasanya adalah sesuatu yang normal… And once the pandemic hit, rencana traveling bulan depan aja masih ada kemungkinan untuk batal

Sebelum masa pandemik, pake masker cuman kalo pake motor atau naik angkot… And once the pandemic hit, ga pake masker ke luar rumah itu berasa jalan tanpa pake beha *oops 😅

Life before pandemic feels too surreal now…

One and a half year since the pandemic broke and we still see no end to this crisis…

Catch ya later
Cheers 💕💕