kecengan baru

Ini kenapa tambah lama gw jadi makin sering ngecengin ni orang ya?

7ea4f4a0e234867feac701e5fc525164_156483_169513966509763_1255810603_nnamanya? Kim Jong Jin…

well, gw emang selalu punya soft spot sama cowo cakep yang bisa bikin kopi. Cakep? menurut versi gw ‘yes, he is!’. Jangan protes kalo menurut standard yang baca ni abang biasa aja. Menurut bu Nur, there is no objective fact. Every fact is constructed based on the one who tells. Dan menurut fakta gw ‘he is good looking’. Bisa bikin kopi? He’s a barista! Belom pernah nyoba kopi bikinan dia sih, tapi mudahan taun depan bisa nyoba *kopinya bukan orangnya* hahaha….


I also always have a soft spot for a guy who looks good in glasses, does he? Buat gw ‘iya’


I also find guy who is close to his mother is adorable. Can I say he is also adorable for being close with his brother? Well, it’s my blog anyway, so let me just say ‘yes, he’s adorable for being close to his family members.’



(now, you know how I know him? No? Never mind then.. kekeke)

Another thing to add in the why-i-like-him list is he likes traveling and he likes Japan….

Well, the bad thing about being a fangirl is your idols exist only in your imagination. You barely meet your idols, barely have a talk with them, only see them through TV, interview, variety show, or sometimes stalking to their-most-visited-places. But, hell heaven, you construct your own image of them on your mind. How perfect they are or how nice they are. Again, it is PEOPLE who construct the world. Real world never (or barely) exists

Yeah, that’s exactly what I do right now.

Never meet him personally.

Never even see him on stage or any other show since he is not even a celebrity or idol.

Only see him through pictures posted by himself or other people visiting his workplace.

So, yeah, in my world he has many things that catch my eyes. Kekekeke…

Wait for me bang!! Tunggu taun depan yak! I’m coming and going to see (or meet) you personally!!


catch ya later

cheers ^^

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